Yes I know that I've only just rebooted back in November but exactly six months later, I'll be doing it again. The reboot is being driven by a large change in the focus of this site. I'll still be focusing on design and web standards, but I also want to make my website a place for friends and family to keep in touch while I'm at camp. The idea is to take a MacBook Pro with me to help me keep everyone updated with video podcasts and Flickr feeds.

Camp America is a summer camp work placement programme that is run the world over. This year I will be part of it. I'm currently awaiting selection by a summer camp which will be located somewhere in the United States. I hope to get a bit of travelling in after camp although I have to be back in New Zealand by late September for a string of birthdays (including my own 21st).

Since it was posted on ieBlog that some existing CSS filters will no longer work on future versions of Internet Explorer (including the upcoming IE7) there has been a bit of a buzz about the disappearance of the commonly used Star-Hack. Filters have become a necessary evil in order to resolve bugs and inconsistencies with the browsers. In an ideal world where all browsers behaved the same way and were bug-free we wouldn't need filters, however that world does not exist. At the same time filters are all about exploiting other bugs in browsers in order to get them to ignore sections of code or to parse sections that other browsers wont.

Just a quick note that my portfolio is back up and running, as usual all comments are welcome. I'll add some more recent work soon.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to beautiful Matarangi on the Coromandel Peninsula. It's the third annual trip that I've organised for myself and a group of friends that I used to go to High School with. I can look forward to five days of lying in the sun and swimming in the cool sea. It may not be as exotic as Molly's Eastern Caribbean Cruise but I'll try and bring back some photo's of the beautiful beach.

I'm sitting in an internet cafe on the main street of Auckland's city centre at 2:45 in the morning and seeing as I've got time to kill I thought I'd hit the ol' Wordpress.

Molly Holzschlag writes an open letter to Disney Store UK about their recent redesign.

The clock hath struck midnight (GMT +12, +1 for daylight savings) which means that it is time for the unveiling of my Fall 2005 CSS Reboot.

What does inspired really mean?

Today marks the first day of Blind Week here in New Zealand. With the CSS Reboot exactly one week away it's a good last chance for all rebooters to make sure that their new websites will accessible for the blind and for those with other vision impairments. The added accessibility is worth both your time and your effort.