If you follow me on twitter you'll probably know I'm very opinionated and more than happy to discuss (some would say argue or troll) my opinions. I indent with spaces, Lea Verou indents with tabs. Lea has blogged about her reasons why she thinks that tabs are superior. I'm going to provide my opposing opinion and then tell you why neither of our opinions should really matter anyway.

When I was 15, I worked the Christmas rush at my Uncle's seafood factory and earned enough money to buy my first mobile phone. This purchase started a relationship with Vodafone which has now spanned almost half of my life. Recently I've begun to examine my relationship with Vodafone and in general, the relationship between brands and loyal customers.

Today, Louisa Wall's Marriage Equality bill will face its first vote in parliament. A vote that is expected to pass. But there is still a lot of opposition. These opponents, in an attempt to not be perceived as bigoted, claim that they are not against gay marriage but are instead against the redefinition of marriage.

I wrote the below article on the "Protect Marriage NZ" Facebook page but they disabled the ability for other users to write on their wall and thus destroyed my post. I'm re-posting it here for all to see.

After more than three great years, this will be my last week with Pixel Fusion. I have accepted a position as a Senior Developer at Vend.

It's a well known fact that I'm rather shite at keeping this blog up to date. I often have had a lot to say but the content never felt like it was the right fit for what I wanted to achieve with this site. A while ago I came up with an idea to create multiple blogs, each dedicated to different topics that I want to talk about. Although it has actually been running for a few weeks now, I would like to formally announce the first of these new blogs, Arbitrary.

As I have previously mentioned, I don't believe that any of the alternatives on offer in this year's referendum are better than MMP. However, I would like to propose an alternative Electoral System: Proportional Representation. Please keep in mind that this is intended as an initial discussion piece that could evolve into something more solid.

This year, alongside the general election there will be a referendum on the future of MMP and the selection of a potential competitor, should we decide that replacing MMP is an option. I want to look at the different options for electoral system that we have available.

We’ve all seen the ads that run before movies, at least those of us who still pay to see them. “You wouldn’t steal a car. You wouldn’t steal a handbag. You wouldn’t steal a movie." And that’s what they would have you believe, that copyright infringement is exactly the same as theft. Not like theft, but the same as theft. Some (who themselves listen to pirated K-pop) even try to tell us that assault on copyright is the same as assault on a human being.

The Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill is a flawed piece of legislature but a big part of the public outcry wasn't just the bill itself but also the way in which it was passed. It made the public aware of the ongoing abuse of parliament's urgency laws as well as the fact that politicians pass laws with little understanding of what the laws mean.